Whole Earth Burgers - serving suggestion
Whole Earth Burger Mix
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Many Lumen customers make their burgers with Heartline Ground Beef -- in fact, Heartline has won several awards (including the Texas Vegetarian Chili Cook-off) in a variety of competing dishes. Others, however, prefer ready mixes which, when added to water, will provide finished meals in just a few minutes with no additional ingredients required.
The Whole Earth Burger Mix makes great burgers and "meat loaf," and it takes only minutes to prepare. It is priced to compare very favorably with other meatless burger mixes on the market. Our Original, Spicy Herb, Italiano, and Taco mixes make one (1) pound of "burger meat" (6 medium burgers, or just 35¢ each!) Our Chili Mix makes 2.5 lbs. of finished chili, but does require the addition of 8 oz. of tomato sauce and 16 oz. of kidney beans; our Sloppy Joe Mix makes one pound and requires 4 oz. of tomato sauce. The only other ingredient in any of these mixes is water. Enjoy!

Code Description Size Unit Price Quantity
Whole Earth Burger Mixes
201 Original Style 6 oz. $2.85
204 Taco Mix 4 oz. $2.85
205 Chili Mix 4 oz. $2.85
206 Sloppy Joe Mix 4 oz. $2.85

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