Lumen Foods presents . . .

a trivia game about meat abstention...

To begin, press to make sure all the questions are appearing in the windows
below. To see an answer, simply click and hold the mouse button on the question.

Some pointers: The answer to virtually all questions in this version of Vegetarian Pursuit can be found in the book, Lumen (1986) which can be ordered from our Whole Earth Catalogue. (See Order Form.) Page notations found in the answers below are taken from our latest (3rd) release, subtitled The Tenth Anniversary Edition. Questions beginning with "T/F?" make statements to which you must apply the obvious "true or false" judgement. All other questions are self-explanatory. This installation runs 16 questions and takes about as many minutes to peruse. With one point for each correct answer, here's the rating: Excellent (15-16), Good (12-14), Average (8-11), Red Steak Munchingly Awful (5-7), Next Time Use A Dartboard (4 and under).

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