Wenger X-20
Wenger X-20

Below you will find a series of thumbnail photos representing larger images of Lumen's single-screw Wenger cooker and the peripheral equipment also being sold with the unit. To view the bigger, detailed photos, just click on the thumbnail to see the bigger version. Note that some of the photos have had their "color pallette reduced" to try to keep the size of the files down and reduce the time it takes you to download the images, but this has little or no bearing on actual detail.
This is a view of the extruder from the front. The heads were detached for cleaning during the photo shoot and can be seen in a separate photo on this page with great detail. The acrylic viewing tube from the mixing chamber to the screw is also detached. Our Wenger comes with a precision AccuRate feeder for superior raw materials flow into the mixing chamber. This photo shows a close-up view of the heads (which, of course, are fitted around the screw during production). Notice the fittings on each head to allow for steam injection at each stage along the screw.
The end of the barrel is normally fitted with the holder for the rotating cutting knives, which cuts the extrudite into pieces for further processing, usually drying. Here we know the barrel's end without the cutting knife assembly for ease of view. This is a snippet of the length of the barrel. Click on the thumbnail to see a larger, wider view. Water flow is important to any extrusion run or test involving precision. For this reason we fitted the Wenger with its own rotometer to give us exact control over this sensitive feed.
Paying for the extruder is one thing. Getting all the peripheral equipment to make it work is the real killer. Lumen Foods is selling ALL peripherals needed to make the Wenger fully operational. Above, the Tosvert Transistor Inverter needed to drive run the 30 hp motor, is included in the purchase. Another costly peripheral: the steam generator. You can't run an the extruder without it. This one cost us $8,000, and we're including it in the sale. The operator's panel controls the electronic "brains" of the unit.
The Wenger X-20 is driven by a three-phase, 30 hp. motor, which is connected to the gear housing, which ultimately drives the screw during operations. Here is a final view taken from the left side as you face the front of the machine. Note the extensive brass and copper valves and tubing that make up the unit's steam and water control systems. These were customized to go well beyond what Wenger provides as standard equipment.